
BFH#3 : Hot Chocolate @ Dollops

Please bear with me, as this will not be like the usual post that the four readers (Thanks Ma)  of the blog expect

We all have our bad days, and we all deal differently with them. As a fat person, i tend to eat away my sorrows, and so, I am kind of an expert on stress eating, so when I tell you this, you better believe me, the hot chocolate at dollops is all you need to get over all kinds of shit.

A good friend of mine named Aman Preet ( 😛 ) introduced me to this drink. We use this as a bargaining chip for getting small things done from each other, or just to sit and have a normal conversation without being disturbed. All of this, however, has to be done before 7ish in the evening, because after 7, people start coming in and it becomes really uneconomical for them to make one glass of hot chocolate milk for you.

Anyway, so when you are having a bad day and just need to sit and introspect, but you also need a little comfort, you should come to dollops. Mostly empty, this place is ideal for the aforementioned sitting and introspection, and doing things like penning down your thoughts and ideas, writing that unfinished novel, or just chilling in general. At Dollops? Cool. Now all you need to do is order this tasty little concoction of chocolate and milk, sit back and enjoy. The purists may turn their noses away from this extra sweet drink, but I like to think this reminds me of home, and my childhood. The whole, chocolate milk in a glass, reminds me of those carefree days, and for some reason, makes me feel better about myself. Now, obviously, this will be very subjective, but do this. Go to Dollops, preferably on a rainy day, and sit and slowly sip on the glass of hot chocolate they bring you, and life will become clearer.

Also, it’s just 20 bucks. So yeah, even if you don’t want to introspect and other big words, you can go and have a glass just for the heck of it.


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